Guest blog by the amazingly lovely and awakened Mum, Business Woman, Serial Entrepreneur and Freedom Hacker, Alexis Miller
Trust Your Downloads: 5 Key Ways To Tap In And Trust Your Gut
If there’s one piece on advice I readily give out to anyone who will listen, it’s ‘trust your gut’.
We have all heard this before, haven’t we?
But how often do we do it? Like…rarely?
You’re not alone. We get that feeling whether something or someone is good..or bad and usually within 4.3 seconds our heads take over and it makes the decision for you.
Why? Because it’s ‘trying’ to protect you usually. Protect in the loosest term, your head will quickly steer you towards what is comfortable, safe, easy…sound about right?
Your gut, intuition, downloads…whatever you want to call it is real. Your Intuition is a powerful aspect of the human experience and something that anyone can access within themselves—if you’re open to it that is.
But it is important to learn how to listen to it and trust your downloads. It is also important to weigh facts to ensure you consider all the options first. The voice in your gut is wise, and it can push you to do something that feels right when another option might seem to yield better results. You need to listen to both your gut and head to calculate your next best move for success.
Here are my 5 key steps to tapping in and allowing your instinct in.
Welcome Your Intuition
Your intuition is a natural gift. However, since it cannot be seen, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted, we sometimes ignore its presence. Also referred to as a sixth sense, your intuition operates outside the normal parameters of your experiences.
For example, you might be walking home from a friend’s house at night. You usually take a shortcut down a different street, but tonight you start walking down it and suddenly stop. Something feels a bit off. Something inside tells you to turn around and find another way home. Without another thought, you obey and feel an instant rush of peace as you walk along another path.
That’s what it feels like to trust your intuition. Before you learn to trust your instinct, however, you need to be open to it, welcoming it into your life knowing that it might not always make sense, but that you’re willing to follow it and trust it when it ‘feels’ right.
Cultivate Your Intuition
Once you’re open to receiving and following your intuition, you need to learn how to experience it.
To do this, it’s best to get away from the distractions and your daily life. Schedule some time away to practice some you time, alone. When you’re alone, you don’t have other people around to inform what you should do or who you should be. You’re left with yourself and your own decision-making power. And while it can be unnerving, it’s also incredibly freeing.
Meditating is a great practice for cultivating silence and allowing your instincts to talk to you. If you have something on your mind this would be the time to think about it and see what downloads you have about this situation. Pay close attention to what comes to mind and feels right.
Write it down
Becoming aware of your intuition and acting on it are two different things.
During the process of learning to trust your gut, it’s an important step to merely observe when your intuition comes up in any given situation.
Let’s say you’re house hunting. Your dream house comes on the market. You view it. The location is right, the price is right. These are all things good on paper, but there’s something inside of you that says this isn’t the right fit.
That’s your intuition. You may end up buying the house (there’s nothing wrong with that), but during the process, it can be helpful to record your intuitive experience in a journal, what you did with it, and where it led you.
Keep this journal close by and record all intuitive feelings and experiences you have from day to day and week to week on certain decisions or situations. After a month or two, read back through your intuitive experiences and notice if there are any patterns. You’ll get to know yourself even more and understand how intuition appears in your daily life.
Process it with close friends
While intuition is a highly personalised practice, you don’t need to cultivate it all alone. Find a friend or group of friends with whom you can share your insights and you trust.
By testing your intuition within a safe group, you can begin to learn what to trust and what not to trust. Pay attention, too, if your community disagrees with something and whether or not their opinion resonates with you. That’s also your intuition talking.
And finally
Eventually, you will want to take action on your intuition when you feel it. You already do this on a subconscious level with small things (you eat when you’re hungry and sleep when you’re tired), but with bigger gut feelings, it can take a little more time to step out there and act on it.
Start small. If you’re at a new restaurant and scanning the menu, choose the first item that sounds delicious. If you’re running in the gym and feel like you can do one more mile, then do it!
This is training your mind, body, and spirit to trust what naturally arises. It is like any other muscle.
As you become more comfortable with trusting your gut, you can begin using your intuition to inform bigger decisions.
Once you understand how your gut works, you can step into its power, making decisions that feel right.
Your intuition will never fail you—a lesson you’ll learn as you trust it more and more. So stop second-guessing yourself and every decision you make and start listening to the most powerful thing you have. YOU. Your inner wisdom is providing guidance; you just have to listen.
Alexis Miller is a Mum, businesswoman, serial entrepreneur and spiritual seeker. She lives in Glasgow, Scotland and is on a mission to help more women realise and unleash their power.